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A very wise master named Shamon lives in Japan. He is well-known for his intelligence and discipline. Shamon teaches kendo and jujutsu, traditional Japanese martial arts, in a small town in Japan.

 All those who wish to learn kung fu, kendo, or any other art or discipline come to Shamon. And every one of his students is very intelligent. He is an expert in changing the mental outlook of people.

One day a man named Taro goes to Shamon, and he is very angry.  “What happened to you, why are you so angry, calm down,” Shamon said.

 “I want to defeat him,” Taro says angrily,, “Who do you want to defeat?” Shamon asked.

 “I want to defeat Kenji,”  Taro said in a high voice.

Shamon throws him out, saying that he should come when his anger subsides.

After a few days he came   again. In fact, Taro is the second greatest and most powerful warrior of the entire country. But he wants to defeat Kenji, the most powerful warrior in the entire country.

Taro has lost to Kenji several times in fights. 

 And now he has come to the greatest Teacher to prepare himself. 

“I know you are very powerful, why do you want to defeat him,” Shamon asked.

“I want to come in first place, I don't want anyone to be ahead of me, if I can push Kenji out of the way, I will be considered the most powerful warrior in the entire country,” Taro said.

Hearing this, Shaman becomes very angry and throws Taro out again, 

“I have seen two types of people, one who works hard and gets ahead. And others are those who do not want to progress by working hard, but want to remove those who are ahead of them, because as soon as they are removed, they will start considering themselves first,” Shamon said with anger.

“And I hate people like this,” Shamon said.

Taro understands this, and apologizes to Shamon,  

Shamon forgives him and makes him his disciple,

 Taro learns to fight for a year. Now Taro becomes a powerful warrior, he can easily defeat many great warriors. 

Seeing all this, Shamon becomes convinced that now Taro can defeat Kenji. 

One day Taro goes to fight Kenji with great enthusiasm  and Kenji defeats Taro very easily and badly. 

Everyone understands that even Shamon's disciple could not win against Kenji.

When Taro returns to Shamon after the defeat, he tells them Defeating Kenji is a very difficult task. 

 “It is impossible to defeat him," Taro said.

Shamon says, “You couldn't beat him because you wanted to beat him and come in first place.” 

Taro became very angry and said “No one can defeat him, he is the greatest warrior in the world. Even you can't defeat him”.

Hearing this, Shamon could not stop laughing, and he started laughing. “What did you say, I can't beat him?I can, I absolutely can. I promise” Shamon said.  but first I want to see what kind of warrior he is.

Shamon had heard about Kenji but had never seen him. Shamon gives a letter to Taro. “Give this letter to Kenji and tell him that Shamon is calling you, he wants to spend time with you,” Shamon said.

Kenji is a truly powerful warrior, and he has never once been defeated by anyone. 

Shamon's message reaches Kenji. And Kenji agreed to go to Shamon.  

 One day Kenji comes to Shamon, 

Shamon had heard about Kenji many times, but had never seen him, today he was standing in front of Shamon for the first time,

Kenji is a samurai with a tall and massive physique, whom people are awestruck by in his battle attire, with a terrifyingly strong body and a large sword, a sword that no ordinary person can lift, on his shoulder, He is extremely powerful, he is a riding on a black horse, 

Seeing this scene, all the warriors present there get scared for a moment. 

Kenji spurs his horse forward and stops in front of Shamon, 

He dismounts from the horse, and removes the kabuto (Japanese samurai helmet) from his head. 

But Kenji is a person with a beautiful face, and people heaved a sigh of relief after seeing his face.

Kenji bowed respectfully to the shamon . 

And also talks to him with great respect.

They both go to a room together and talk about many things, 

Kenji said “I have heard a lot about you, you are a very kind and intelligent teacher, it was a pleasure to meet you. 

Shamon said, “Yes, you are indeed a great warrior, and the first in the entire country, no one could defeat you”.

Kenji smiled broadly and said, “No, it's nothing like that. I never want to compete in any competition, people only want to force me to fight. I have made myself powerful just to help people. Not to be called the most powerful warrior of the country.

But whenever someone calls me for war, I do not step back.

Shamon realizes that Kenji is a well-intentioned warrior. People want to defeat him only because he can prove himself to be the greatest warrior, but this is why no one can defeat him.

Shamon was looking for such a disciple, and he found a disciple like Kenji, who is the greatest warrior, but he has no pride or ego at all.  


They stay together for several days, Shamon learns a lot about Kenji, he thinks that Kenji is a very disciplined, very kind warrior, and he really deserves to be in the first place.

There is no attachment to victory or defeat in Kenji's words. His simplicity is his greatest strength. 

But Shamon forgets that he had promised to defeat him. 

One day Kenji and Shamon are going to Forest on their respective horses. 

In that beautiful forest, Shamon goes to the river to fetch water. And he hears a very loud sound. He runs towards this voice. Kenji is venting his anger on a tree. And screams even louder and falls down. Shamon sees that Kenji has fainted.  He brings him to his senses.  Actually Kenji is very upset. And he keeps thinking a lot, and becomes sad.

Shamon says to Kenji “Tell me what's the matter.

Kenji says, this is why I came to you. I am troubled by my habit of overthinking. I fight with myself every day. And I feel defeated, whenever I think too much I cannot live peacefully even for a moment.

And sometimes I get troubled wondering why I think so much. I am very upset.

 after hearing all this, Shamon could not stop laughing, 

Hearing this, Shamon starts laughing loudly. 

Kenji gets up and says, I'm not kidding.

“I may be the biggest warrior, but one thing bothers me a lot, it is his problem of overthinking, which has been troubling him for a very long time and it is not letting him live in peace.

Shamon barely stops laughing and looks at Kenji for a few moments, then starts laughing loudly again. 

Shamon said smilingly, “So that's why you came to me. This is your problem”.

Kenji feels ashamed, and he says “You don't understand, I can't live in peace even for a moment.

Shamon listened to Kenji's whole problem and he understood that even the most powerful person can be fooled by small things.

After understanding the whole story, Shamon understands that Kenji is worried about things that don't exist, and he is thinking too much.

A few days later, Taro comes to Shamon, and reminds him that he must defeat Kenji. Shamon thinks that no matter what happens, defeating Kenji will be a really difficult task. 

Shamon says “I remember I do something.

He prepares a room for war,

Shamon calls Kenji, and he says “Kenji, i will solve your problem later, but I want to see if you are really a great warrior.”  

Kenji says, I don't know that, but if someone wants to fight me then I am ready.

Shamon said, “You have not been defeated by anyone till date, but my most intelligent and powerful disciple can defeat you.  But there are some conditions.

Kenji says “I agree”

Shamon said, “First, you will have to fight with a black blindfold on your eyes.

Second – You will fight against 3 warriors at once.

You can fight only for one hour, after one hour we will call and you will have to come out.

If you cannot win today, you will have to fight tomorrow also. 

Do you agree?

Kenji said “Yes of course I am ready”

Shamon blindfolded Kenji tightly and said, “I know that you are obedient, you will not open this blindfold, I will open it. 

He came into the room and shamon said loudly,, “All three warriors be ready, the greatest warrior is coming to fight you.”

And Kenji was sent into the room, Kenji was blindfolded and because of this Kenji immediately started wielding the sword. 

Everyone outside could only hear sounds, and the sound of very sharp swords.  

After some time, Shamon said stop, and there was silence inside the room and Kenji was called outside. The  blindfold was removed from Kenji's eyes. Despite having so much protective safety cover, he had suffered many injuries but he was not tired at all.

Kenji said that these three are very agile. But I will definitely defeat them tomorrow.

And the next day Kenji came again and he was blinded by a cloth and he was sent to the room, 

Kenji continued fighting with him for an hour, when Shamon called out to stop then the fight stopped and Kenji came out of the room, 

Today Kenji was very injured and tired and he could not defeat those three.

Even on the third day, Kenji fought against all three with great courage but he could not defeat them. If Kenji removes the blindfold, he can easily defeat many people and warriors, but he does so under the orders of his master Shamon. Can't go the opposite.

Kenji  became more and more badly injured every day.

This happened for several days,

One day Kenji came to fight again, he still had not given up, but Shamon said, “Wait, today you don't have to fight those three, you have to fight someone else, and he was made to fight with an ordinary warrior without any conditions. .

There was a fight between Kenji  and an ordinary warrior, but Kenji was tired and injured for several days, so he was not able to fight well. 

Kenji was about to lose when Shamon signaled his warrior and he stopped. Shamon saves Kenji from defeat, Taro is surprised to see all this. 

Kenji now became even more upset, he staggered towards Shamon and knelt down, breathing heavily. Kenji said, “I lost today.” Shamon said, “No, today you will win.”

Shamon helped him and brought him near that room, where he fought three people blindfolded. 

Shamon blindfolded him and said, “Go, you have to defeat these three warriors today.” 

Kenji said “No I don't, I can't. I am not the mightiest warrior.

Shamon said, “You can absolutely do it, but listen to me, do one thing, when you go inside, do not strike first. Waiting for the first attack.  

Kenji went inside the room and did nothing, he did not use the sword, and no one attacked Kenji. 

After a few minutes, shamon said from behind, “You won.”  

Shamon said remove the blindfold, and as soon as Kenji removed the blindfold he saw that there was no warrior in the room.

But there are many swords hanging on the ceiling of that room. If anything tied to such a rope is shaken, it will strike again in rapid succession. 

Seeing all this, Kenji asked “What is all this, and where are the three enemies?”

Shamon said, “Who, there is no enemy here, those whom you could not defeat are not enemies at all, you have created them.  And you are the one fighting with them, neither can you win nor lose, it can just make you tired.

Kenji bowed before Shamon. And he said “Yes, we won. 

Shamon said, “You have understood what I wanted to explain to you.

That day you told me about your problem of overthinking”,  

“Those worries, fears and problems of yours are like enemies that do not actually exist.

And you fight with them every day”, 

“I know that you are a very great warrior and can defeat everyone.” 

But how will you defeat, who doesn't exist?”  like your fear, overthinking.

“You thinking too much is like having a war with them every day, and the result will be nothing.  You will only create restlessness and tension”. 

If you keep swinging the sword in the air you can only get tired.  This is the reason for your trouble”. 

“The only way to defeat this is not to fight.”

Kenji said “I understand. Today all my problems have been solved, you are really a wise master. You defeated me with your intelligence and defeated me. Gave me a great lesson”

And Kenji's problem went away.

He became a great samurai.


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