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- The Bully
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- When Vincent Met Will
- Did Annabelle Murder Her Family
- Tortured & Taxed Part I
- The Entrepreneur
- The Bank Robbery
- Unexpected Thief
- Naughty Boy Series, Chapter 3: Friendships
- Naughty Boy Series, Chapter 14: The Proposition
- Naughty Boy Series, Chapter 2: The Brookies
- Naughty Boy Series: Chapter 8. Stamping Authority
- Naughty Boy Series; Going Colonial Chapter 17
- Naughty Boy Series: Rags to Wrong Uns
- Revenge of the Judas Goat
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- If You Cuckolded Me, I’d Have To Kill You
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- It's The End of The World as We Knew It
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- Where There's a Will
- I Got The World On A String
- Who? Terry? An Empath?
- Muscle Man
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- These Winds are called Snow-Eaters
- So, You Wanna be a Cop?
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- The Lost Girl
- The Day is Done
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- Corner of River and Rain
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- Sticker
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- Sleep Will Banish Sorrow
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- The Hunter's Lament
- The Secondhand Store
- The Birdies Part VI
- The Birdies Part V
- The Birdies Part IV
- The Birdies Part III
- The Birdies Part II
- The White Dove
- Just My Imagination
- Tragopolis
- Anne Of The Greendaws
- The Ilbril
- The Blue Droplets
- Missing Hand
- The House With Chicken Legs
- The Birdies Part I
- The Mayhem City
- Road Trip Ruined
- The Assassin’s Clever Kitten
- A Not So Cute Mountain of Cuteness
- Terror In Sleep
- The Return To Malneant
- Energy - Volume VIII
- The Scyfer and The Path Between ‘I didn’t Know You’d Be Insane’
- Aradia's Hero
- Energy - Volume VI. 27th May 1994
- Flag Bearer
- Energy, Volume II
- Energy, Volume I
- The Beggars Of Talif
- That Memorable Quest
- The Great Leap
- Meant To Be
- Joshua And The Chanters
- Old Boots
- Mora's Inn
- Darrin The Elf
- It Could Have Been a Dream
- Lost Hope
- King Matthias And A Smart Girl.
- Lily
- Starfish
- A Usual Day In Seven Acts
- Awakening
- Blood Of The Hunter
- A Night In The Shifting Sands
- Waveless Ocean
- A New Prometheus
- The Year The Virus Came [Editor's Choice]
- A Hand in the Garden
- Work of Ages, Work of Comets
- Turing Test
- A Different Story
- A Man Called Happiness
- The Purpose of Life
- It's All Relative
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- Skywander
- Two Heads are Better than One
- Making Babies
- Only A Mother's Love
- The Curl and Vampire
- Cogito Ergo Sum
- Best Scout on Li
- Darkfire
- The Last Cavalry Charge in Cleveland
- The Vision
- The Antique Dealer
- I Can't Die
- The Tavern
- Merrell. The Monstrous Man of Maintenance
- The Neighbour
- Out on a Ledge
- Fifty-Cent Beer
- Sand and Serpent
- Queen of the Leprechauns
- What lies Beneath
- 1984 is 2032?
- Cicada Summer
- The Fairy Ring
- The Place Beyond The Trees
- Photograph
- The Cat Next Door
- Shipwrecked at Sea
- Caterpillar
- I am nothing without Angie
- Carl's Heaven
- The Belladonna
- Have I Died?
- What The Dead Want To Know
- Silence
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- Get Me Outta Here
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- Mountain of Silver Dust
- A Mother Gets Revenge
- A Bad Joke (3)
- A Bad Joke (2)
- The Bag Lady
- A Bad Joke (1)
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- Up There Purgatory and Down There
- Constellation
- Embedding a Spy
- A New Beginning
- A Strange Turn of Events
- Ash of the Corvidman
- The Old Troll and the Last Wheel of Cheese
- Cardamon and Death
- The Broken Fairy of the Walnut Tree
- Two Lovers
- Messyman
- The High Place
- Exorcism
- Inquisitor Kern : Into the Forrest
- Angels Mucking in the Garden
- Heikichi
- Inquisitor Kern
- From the Zone with Love
- Run, Cecily, Run
- Campbell goes Viral
- The First Chronicles of Vassi
- The Law Offices of O'Ryan & Greenblatt
- Queen Anthea
- How to Interview a Goddess
- The Ring of Alberich
- Kill Switch
- Tweaking the Thrifty Gene
- Chicken and Egg
- Morvah
- The Revivar's Last Moment Awake
- Hail to the Chief
- Chasing Aliens - Maybe
- The Watch
- Valhalla Girl
- Blood for the Blood God
- Whizbang the Magnificent
- Last one in the office
- Bear Hunt
- Lions of Kraam
- Section Guards
- Samael, the Half-Malachim
- The Imp, The Shade and Cerberus
- Jimmy The Shrew
- The Gift
- Frey's Justice
- How To Exterminate Vermin
- He Lives
- Forged in Shadows
- Daughter of the Moon
- A Light Bulb Called Tink
- Area Twenty Four and a Half
- Crimson Snow
- Out of Work
- Forever
- Pockets Full Of Wishes
- he Arrest of King Albrecht
- Ponytail (Happy Birthday Kristin!)
- The Boy Who Called The Naga
- Consumed
- Dog Jerky
- Scorned
- The Thief of Souls
- For One Night Only
- Crépescule
- Glory Thieves
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- Taken, One after Another
- Escape to Here
- The Life and Times of Mr Jack Murdoch
- A Song of the River
- Hex
- Breath of Lisetta
- Colors
- Manhattan Metamorphosis
- A Romance of The Melusine
- The Grim Reaper
- Girls Born in Tunnels
- Hot Responsive Lightbox
- The Dulcet Heart
- Shit on a Stick
- Marrus and Alanna: You're Something Else
- A Dance of Pewter
- Forger's Folly
- When The Table Turns
- How Exactly Do I Get Out Of Here?
- You'll End Up Alone. Marrus and Alanna. Part Two.
- Hunka, Hunka, Burning Love
- A Song of Danard
- A villain,me? Nah
- The Zombie Hackers
- A Song of Aine
- Special Order
- We're All Here
- Sweet Pain
- Parallel Universes
- Birds of a Feather
- Daniel In The Tree
- New Roses
- Avalonis
- A Duel To The Undeath
- Love Killer
- Goldar the Unwieldy
- Light and Blood
- Bitter Reunion
- Beauty Loves Warts
- The Shadow Opal
- A Path to Amazonia
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- The Red Knight
- What Is It For?
- Shaman
- Pack-Brothers: The Ambush
- The Cromera
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- Clawbinder
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- This Fresh-Fallen Snow
- A Phoenix By Any Other Name
- Shake, Rattle and Troll
- Dreams Die
- Water Witch
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- It's Not What You Think
- Photo Album For A Ghost
- Death
- The Package
- I Am A Werewolf, But I'm Different
- You Left Your Diary In My House
- Escape
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- Mirrors
- Hourglass House
- Reflections
- Stranger Danger
- Voila
- A Scanner Darkly
- The Haunting Of Glass House
- Maria Vamos, Beverly's Vampite At Law
- Cornswell The Witch
- In The Hands Of My Legs
- Sanctity
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- The Last Dance
- Moving Day
- Hemorrhage
- What A Mess
- The Abandoned Cabin
- Ransom
- Nagamani
- The Dinner Bell
- Danger In The Dark
- Mother May I
- It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood
- Something Lurking In The Darkness
- Three Musky Tears
- Megapixilated
- Neighbors
- The Salt Made
- Scarecrows
- Taxidermy Soul
- Forbidden Route
- A Grisly Party
- 3:33 AM
- Gravel Rash
- Roger Finally Paints the Garage
- A Macabre Proposal
- Movie Night
- The Accident
- An Old Friend Returns
- Stew Meat
- Kidnapping From Hell
- The Haunted Bungalow
- But Are They real
- The Sock Thief
- The Witch Of Wickham
- Ghost Of The Power Lines
- In The Dead Of Night
- The Creepy House
- A Night Of Surprises
- Love Thy Neighbour
- Madelyn’s Hamster
- Run
- Hell's Depths
- Laughter Is For Slaughter
- The Drive At Sweet Hallow
- Mr. Pavlovic
- La Llorona
- When It's Time To Go
- Braised Heart
- Vengeance
- A Christmas Eve to Forget
- Trust
- The Dark Shadow
- Doris Drive 2
- Job of a Lifetime
- Unlucky Superman
- A Vainglorious Venture
- Dorris Drive
- Small Town Horror
- It's Your TurnIt's Your Turn
- Sierra Tango Yankee X-Ray
- The Smoking Specter of Manhood
- Political Puppet
- Mr Frosty
- The Indian in the Closet
- A Warning to Thinkers
- Queen for a Day
- Trumpet's Haunting
- The Incident at Bella Vista
- Unpleasant Sailing
- Within the Fire
- It Was More Fun In Hell
- Seven Minutes Early
- Happily Ever After
- Pen Pal
- That Evil Witch
- There's Not Enough Room
- Trench Mouth
- Northern Willow Nightmare
- Tangled in the Reeds
- From the Pit
- The Flip Side of Love
- It Watches
- My Grandfather's Mirror
- God's First Love
- Where the Bodies are Buried
- While My Knife Hand Gently Weeps
- The Wendigo
- Cold and Ancient
- The Haunting at Midnight
- The Stones
- The Monster of Jenkins County
- She Really Hates Kids
- The Curious Case of White Chapel Alley
- Half Souls
- Vanity: Rage against Nature
- Return of the Naked Werewolf
- Desert Rot
- Nesting Doll
- Taken Between The Jaws
- The Five Pilchards
- Standoff
- Twinkle Twinkle
- Silent Night
- Memories of Heidi
- A Good Meal
- Confessions of a Victim
- Death of Sanity
- Cutter
- Quench
- Snooper Heroes
- Restless
- Randall's Clown
- Happpy Birthday To Me
- Cry of the Wendigo
- The Sun and The Moon
- The Three Dolls
- Nothing To Howl At
- The Oldest Woman in the World
- In The Mind's Eye
- "Are You A Robot?"
- The Third Grave
- Difficult to Explain
- Bone Plants
- Blood Bank
- The Floormate
- The Ice-Cream Man
- Train B-7
- Creepy Crawlies
- All In Your Head
- War of Conquest
- Fish Hook
- Revelations Part 1
- Family Home
- Revelations Part 2
- The Squid
- Whispers in the Dark
- Confused
- The House With The Dolls
- Mema's Deceased
- The Doll
- The Community
- The Doll
- House of Darkness
- Another Day at the Office
- Blink Twice
- Hell Hill
- "E"
- Nothing
- Killingspree
- The Rainmaker
- Closing Time
- Decay in Mechanical Dust
- Death, Deceit and Mr Sanders
- Crystal City Chills
- Doug and Becky's Farmhouse
- The Man Who Wouldn't Die
- Lake Winnipesaukee
- Cell Reflection
- Eerie Landing
- Someone Said Goodbye
- The Rooms are Wrong
- Santa's Head Elf
- Death of an American Cockroach
- Seven Seconds
- Serial Killer
- Peace of Mind
- Haunt
- The Teletubies
- Bed Bugs
- Tiffany Blue
- Poof and I'm Gone
- Message in a Rock
- Survivor: South Pacific
- So They Say
- Tammy Lynn's Burden
- Innocence Lost
- The Stalker
- Death Is Half The Rush
- Dug
- A Helping Hand
- The Body Shop
- Mr. Rempel
- Laurel
- The Giant of Hampton Bays
- Cannibalistic Freaks
- World's Best Zombie Slayer
- Fluff
- The Quarry
- Of Snakes and Banjos
- Off of Parks and Druding
- Where The Meat Comes From
- Where Witches Drowned
- Rubber Ducky
- The Exit Interview
- Two-Mile
- Final Thoughts
- Fishing with Dynamite
- Survivor
- The Men With Green Faces
- The Grinder
- Watching Kaitlyn Ross
- Déjà vu
- April Fool
- Ten-Cent Treasures
- Eye of the Beholder
- The Favored Son
- Yellow Roses
- Went Missing
- The Survivor Kind
- Not Dead
- Zombies Have No Respect for Plumbing
- Silent Partner
- Spiderbait
- Mail Order Bride
- Stupid Baby
- Loser Freak
- Astoteph
- Blood of the Father
- Wednesday's Seagulls
- Dead Lucky
- My Own Reflections
- Siren Song
- Dead Things
- The Water Bearer
- The Brokenhearted Leper
- A Hot Time in the Old Town
- Funeral Flowers
- Dismal 'n' Distress
- Taken Back Home
- The Taller and Tumult
- Man Tracker
- Bottle in Bordeaux
- Devil in the Deep Blue
- The Grove
- When You're Alone
- Say Goodbye
- Aftershock Treatment
- Miles
- Standefer’s Last Commission
- A Son in Winter
- Wear IT
- The Dead Girls
- 4-8-2
- It's a Wonderful Death
- The Bones of Miracles
- Saying Goodbye to Grandfather
- Starving
- Christmas Morning
- Here
- The Couch Troll
- Mystery Stories
- I Professional Gamer
- This Way To The Berry Desideratum
- The Greatest Love Story Is A Broken Computer
- Speak, Memory !
- The Secret Room
- The Hitchhiker
- Plant Dreaming Of Sheep
- Don't Feel Bad When I Die
- Mrs Briton's Secret
- Casualty of Love in the Time of Coronavirus
- The Operator
- Janey’s Got A Club
- Life Chose You
- Azrael’s Whispers
- The Dark Entity
- Grey Faces
- Magic Shop
- The Hanging Tree
- A Question Of Sanity
- Let Me Protect You
- The Nose Knows
- The Case of Rosemary Cromwell
- A Grisly Party
- Of Fire And Heartbreak
- One Among The Two Is A Gruesome Ghost!
- Gosh Darn It I’m Wet!
- Domestic Profiling
- Someone Special
- Grandad's Cabin
- More Than A Wishing Well
- The Bird In The Thorn Bushes
- Unexpected Turn of Events
- Shards of Glass
- Out Of The Blue
- He Lives Within Her
- How The Tables Have Turned
- Widow At The Dump
- Leave A Message
- Our Neighbor
- He Or She
- The Year Of The Dying Fish
- Mamouniyeh
- Pasture Status
- The Changing Tide
- Ashtown
- Pseudonyms
- "Communicate with me, please."
- Body of Evidence
- The Shape I'm In
- Vertigo
- Curing Brian
- The Wheel Fiddle
- The Enchanted Woods
- A Million Dollars
- And No Birds Sing
- The Flopping Arm Burial
- New Frontier
- Remedy
- Something Stronger
- Unicorns and Sparkles
- Degrees of Relation
- God's Flashlight Beam
- Tacos to Go and Go and Go
- The Temple In The Jungle Took Them
- Eight Seconds
- The Irish Santa
- Goodnight Emily
- Six Years Ago
- Night Mares
- I'm My Own Grandma
- Outlast
- The Little Wig Factory
- Escape The Reich
- Deja Vue
- Yellow Beach
- The Third Pillar
- Beauty Treatment
- Doors
- Last Love
- Not Good Enough For Jamie
- The Yutz and The Putz
- The Dream
- Rainbow Bridge
- Damp Earth
- Nicky's Last Trick
- Miracle at Midnight
- Ella's Mind
- De-Evolution
- Truth or Dare
- If You Could Fly
- Shit for Brains
- The Tube
- Pictures of Matchstick Men
- Beneath the Silent Stars
- The Dog-Gone Caper
- The Third Avenue Caper
- The Man of Her Dreams
- Mitawin
- Manchineels in Spring
- Murder in Hyperspace
- Lake Wynonah
- Feet
- Moving On
- The Germantown Mystery
- Valentine Inc
- The Vanishing Girl
- Strange Visitor
- Charlotte Dark
- The Other Side
- A Sleight of Hand
- The Stranger in the Woods
- The Traditional Sacrifice
- Abbey
- The Importance of Documentation
- A Position to Fill
- Golden Oldies
- Disquiet Teen
- Sweet Dreams
- God in Stereo
- Apricity
- Avoiding Accidents
- For Rome
- Beyond the Elder Tree
- Dead Ghosts Walking
- Wedding Photograph
- The Visit
- Four Hail Marys
- The Blind Hunter
- Grandma's Room
- The Right Light
- Willow Meadows
- Unlucky Sparks
- The Bitch and The Chihuahua
- The Merry Dancers
- The Hotel Welcome Book
- Guess Who
- The Dead Talk Too Much For My Taste
- Footprints in the Sky
- Best Enemies Forever
- The Path of Kernow
- Leaving Giles
- Session One
- I Have My Addictions
- What We Cannot Know
- The Waiting Room
- Dystopia
- Pleased to Meet You . . . Not
- A Photographic Memory
- Amazing Wrinkle Cream
- 193 & 110
- Waiting to Join the Grey Lady
- Right Number Wrong Person
- Revenge of the Juggler
- November 13th
- Misfortune
- Stingy Jack
- What's that noise?
- Rules of Everday Life
- Directed into Silence
- Light Up My Life
- The Last Hurrah of General Jackson
- Fires of Gehenna
- The Fields of Sleep
- Blood Raven
- Mummy and Me
- Melanie's Last Tune
- To Write and Forget
- The Devil's Playground
- Attack of the Toe-Biters
- The Face In The Window
- Love in the Time of Computers
- They Died with their Boots On
- The Delicate Hours
- Nothing Less of Evil
- Favours
- Grand Guginol
- Throw Him Away and Get a New One
- My Brother’s Keeper
- Calling Cards
- Heavenly Scent of Strawberry
- My Wife Glows in the Dark
- What Philip Did in Tulsa
- A Natural
- Know When to Lie
- Shark's Tooth
- Sangfroid
- Double Dip
- All Silent on the Flint
- River Road
- Romance Stories
- Tomorrow Is A Long Time
- Jack And His Country Romance
- The Midnight Dance
- Part Of My Mixtape
- Greetings From Spain
- A Night In The Black Forest
- Dream
- I Think I Like You
- Boundry
- The Poop Deck
- Message To My Girl
- Tower Moments
- The Timeless Power of Love:
- Exploring The Nature Of It
- My Minute With Mao
- You've Come A Long Way Baby
- The Magenta Subtraction
- True Love
- Appointment
- Oh, Mirror In The Sky What Is Love?
- It Began In Zanzibar
- Desert Fires
- J And E
- Confession Or Notes To Him
- The Dying Hope
- Think Twice Before You Hit Send
- Caledonia
- Life on West 4th Street
- What I Always Dreamed
- Saccharine Smiles and Sandpaper Personalities
- Where or When
- A Monument to Perfect Moments
- Bones
- Sunny Souls
- A Lie is Born
- He'll Ask Me To Dance Again
- Better Offer
- Hands of Steel, Not Today
- She Needs To Go
- Letting it Go
- The Addiction
- Five Minutes
- Homecoming
- Cat Tale
- A Walk in the Park
- She Danced in the Rain
- The Fuck Pit
- The Date
- Creating Destiny
- Seeking Redemption
- An Evening to Remember
- Eye Candy
- A Change of Heart
- Goodbye Rose
- Higher Love
- My Love Was Taken From Me
- In Search of Mr Right
- What if?
- Polygamy
- The Worst Hangover
- A kiss is but a kiss
- For Mike
- Rainy Windows
- Dear Harold
- The Pill
- Fairy Charmed Life
- Charlotte's Web
- The Runaways
- Ebb Tide
- Backpacking in Jersey
- Staple It Together
- Why Did You Leave Me?
- In a Heartbeat
- Suicidal Girl
- Gently Used
- Perfect Young Couple
- The Wake Up Call
- Black Veil
- Camouflaged
- The Great Pretender
- Blind Living
- Red
- Pools of Red
- The Broken Heart
- Science Fiction Stories
- Post 43
- Odyssey To Eden
- When We Were Human
- Elle
- The Battle Of Cerberus Plains
- Do You Remember When?
- Life And Death In The Arcology
- Earth Is Dead
- Ethan Sheldon's Death
- Substitution
- Starforged Anthology : Franklinia Writing as "Moon Pie"
- Starforged Anthology : Reverly Of Flames Writing as "Moon Pie"
- The Awakening
- M-I-C,K-AI
- Welcome Adam
- Violet Rain
- Phish Lot
- A Course Toward Hope
- Movement
- Reflection
- The Nightingale of Berkeley Square
- Orwellian Dark
- What You Never Knew You Needed
- Never Trust My Wife
- Waking Up On Sot Ankornania
- Broken Girl With Blonde Hair
- A Man Named Damo Ura
- Sora, My Future
- Alien Communication
- Renaissance
- She
- Evergreen Twinned With Latrommi
- The White Sentinel
- Rite Of Passage
- Rainbow World
- The Secret Invaders
- My Bubble
- Number 142
- Lucky For Life
- The World Of Prisha
- T’Nebas Sol
- Fourth From The Sun
- Renewal
- The Trespasser
- A Day Without Consideration
- In Formation
- Snarge
- How Far Back?
- Dancing Lights
- The Deadest Generation
- A Search for Food and Water
- The Bottom Line
- Stages of Grief
- The Town
- Stages of Grief
- The Deadliest Sin
- Eat Your Worms Grandad
- Never Trust a Flower
- I Never Eat Pizza
- Blue Loops
- A Voice From Beyond
- A Real Girl
- Ninja Warning
- Timing Isn't Everything
- The Institute for Ethical Studies
- Huns vs Nuns
- Waterhole
- The Boy Made of Circles
- Blue Moon Diner
- Super Plex Fest 2017
- Two Minutes
- Why Does Bobby Fly?
- The Ultimate Weapon
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Abducted
- Beauty and the Bot
- Saul Greenblatt
- What is this White Stuff?
- Sweeter Tooth
- The Newest Form of Travel
- The First Fit
- Big is Better
- Viridian's Log. Day 364
- Bullet Proof Boots
- The Last Transmission of Barry Lewis
- Alien Anatomy
- Bob, Interloper Retriever
- Sweet Tooth
- The Plight of Thaddius Bia
- The Last King of the Werewolves
- Fred
- In The Harsh Moonlight
- Hotel Terra
- Once Upon a Lightyear
- The Ultimate Lift
- Call Me Murph
- The Last Archives
- Would You Say I Do?
- Damaged Goods
- The Factory
- Quick Fix
- The Factory
- The Oath of Brutus
- Slipping Through the Cracks
- Faceless
- The Fleet of the Moon's Library
- Eye Quest
- Transmissions of the Mind
- On The Other Hand, Abomination
- The Nine Lives of Chairman Mao
- When Life Hands You Lemons
- My War Against the Invisibles
- The Devil's Own
- The Eleemosynary Insurrection on Y-13
- The Edge of Extinction
- What it is to be Alone
- Robot Confessional
- Dirty South
- Is It Deja Vu?
- Reboot
- The Silky Taste of Gunmetal
- One True Faith
- The Soup Experiment
- General Stories
- The Powerful Adversary
- Hinge Hookups In A Zombie Apocalypse
- Hekate
- Old Addictions In New Bottles – A Modern Retelling Of Rip Van Winkle
- Incapacity
- Retreating
- What If
- The Honeypot
- Chiruvi
- Dreams Are Meant For Sleeping
- The Hanami Of A Distant Past
- Say Cheese
- Winter's Unforgiving Night: The Life-Longing Scar
- Ghostwriter
- Just Passin
- Murder On Webber Island
- Brotherhood
- Smile For Me, Mona Lisa
- The Last Summer
- Generations
- Till The End Of The Moon
- Ghost Light
- To Have Or Have Not
- Interview With A Starman
- Dubious Provenance
- Debut
- The Need For Speed
- The Mom Box
- Indefatigable
- Back Of Beyond
- Land Of The Lost
- Party Voucher
- Collapse
- A Canon Of Eleven Voices
- In The Snow
- Mother Lode
- Finale
- A Man Divided
- Anaconda
- Lean, Hungry, Prowling
- The Bringer Of Death
- The Sanctuary
- Final Destination
- Correspondence Between Above And Below
- An Elderly Citizen
- Go Directly To Jail
- Vices
- The Pump
- James Jackson
- David Walks
- Journey Into The Void
- Crawling, Flying Things
- Sinful Shrooms
- Reflections
- A Sun-Catcher's Tears
- Rise
- The New Pet
- Lucifer Unearthed
- Compassionate Release
- Merle
- Azgōn Unðá Blōðan
- Kodak Moments In Rose
- Black Like Golden
- The Customer is Always Right, Right???
- Alexandra Takes Care of business
- Warning From Beyond
- Have You Ever Been In Love ?
- The Turner
- A Poverty Of Ideas
- Facing Life's Realities
- Schrödinger's Man In the Box
- My Hand Delights To Trace Unusual Things
- Last Exit
- The Best Of Intentions
- Gravitational Meow
- Deus In Machina - Deus Per Machina
- Jackpot
- Not As Shown In The Movies
- Oh Rats !
- The Legend of White Owl Creek
- The Evil Monster
- Two Shots
- The Scent
- Only Zero Can Fly
- Only Sixty Five
- A Place of Refuge
- The City
- God: A Dating App Adventure
- The Exhibition
- Guinea Pig
- First Boxing Match
- The Metaphysics of One Life
- I Am A Grey Horse
- Bee Hummingbird
- The Loneliest Catch
- One Morning At The Grocery Store
- The Prophet Who Struck At Midnight
- The Rosebush
- Richard and The Seven Brigands
- Truck Stop
- In Remembrance Of Good Deeds
- Sage Whisperer
- Motherload
- Haunting Stories Of The Visionaries
- The Quiet World
- Coming Home
- An Understanding
- Dreams
- Today's The Day
- Metallic Blue
- A Drunken Uncle’s Bedtime Story
- Embracing The Night
- A Peculiar Way To Tell A Story
- The Man Who Lives On His Own
- Felt, But Untouched
- Gardening In New South Africa
- True Or False
- Don Poncho
- The Last Library
- Until We Meet Again
- Assassin
- Consider The Unknown
- The Heart Story
- Golden Apples
- Breakdown
- The Circle Of Bear Fruit
- Folded Flags
- Not Alone Anymore
- Rose's Machine
- Printing Money
- Be Like Everyone
- Living Dead
- Crushed
- To Tea Or Not To Tea
- A Trip Of Goats
- All Is At Odds With Us
- The Voice Of The Valley
- Where Were You?
- The Things We Leave Behind
- The Man In The Attic
- D Sports
- Wind
- A Liquor Store In Alhambra
- My Kidnapper Friend
- At Gun Point
- The Miscarriage Destroyed Me
- Doctor Anurag
- The Viking's Nightmare
- The Dangers of Wearing Red
- The Debtor
- Wrinkle Bones
- Strike Up A Friendship
- Cotton Candy To Cola Gola
- Requiem for Ku
- Time: Do You Have Enough?
- Training Day
- Roach Heaven
- Winterreisse
- The Last Shift
- How It Was
- A Reputable Reptile Establishment
- Beneath This Mask
- The Sea Dweller
- Inside
- Trailing
- The Belated Present
- On Love and Death
- Working Woman's Wife
- Trig's Smokin' Wheels
- Aesthetic Shock
- Hi, My Name is Mark
- Harley
- The Man Who Left His Wife With A Goat
- A Portrait of Slam Bang City
- Dead Camel
- The Comebacker
- Monster
- Heartbeats in the Sand
- The Doctor and the Pear Tree Switch
- At The Bank
- His Beloved
- The Gift
- The Gift 2
- The Gift 3
- Alone Again
- Mister and Misses
- Soul Searching
- Peace at Last
- Silence
- A Peg or Two
- Almost
- The Infinitesimal Savior
- Don't be a Sissy
- The Road Through Hell
- The Last Dance
- Fantasy: And The Dragons Came 1
- Horror: Sweet-Nightmare
- Mystery: Numb
- The Finish Line
- Murder and Betrayal
- Life in the Cemetery
- An Okay Day
- The General's Teeth
- The Meat Cleaver Leaves No Blood
- Scorned
- Dreamed
- Premonition
- The Mind Rapers
- Bloodline
- All That Is Left
- All She Ever Wanted
- The Biggest Pumpkin in the World
- The Truth About Fruitcakes
- D. I. Y.
- Perfection
- Dead Celebrity Escorts
- The Passing Of The Torch
- Candy
- Stick
- Dame Blanche
- The Factorial
- Because of His Laugh
- The Initiation of Michael Rogers
- Ms. Emma's Unfulfilled Dreams
- Beware Black Clouds
- The Replying Echoes of Fortesque
- The Glenda Project
- The Android
- Time in Lieu
- The Dark Season
- When Apaches Attack
- Enter The Wizard
- Strength in One
- Foxmead Funeral
- Once You've Seen
- Baxter
- Family Reunion
- Micro Bio
- Communion
- Night
- Breathe (Poem)
- Thorns (Poem)
- What Remains (Poem)
- The Bastard
- Something Old, Something Blue
- Unguided Transition
- There's a Voice in My Head
- This Old Guitar
- The Bean Master
- Carl Bower's Oil Well
- Don't Make Me Kill You
- A Month of Yesterdays (Poem)
- A Whisper From Mercy (Poem)
- A Mother's Love (Poem)
- When the night breathes shallow (Poem)
- Apples, Barista, Carpet
- Tongue Tied
- Answers I wish I'd Known
- Road Trip
- Death at the Door
- Summer of Love
- The Astral Frontier
- Crashing Down
- Stop and Smell the Flowers
- A Brief Affair
- Forget Me Not
- The Maze
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Monk The Cop Fighter
- Death Calls
- Hare
- Army of One Spaceship
- Unprecedented
- Mortician's Nightmare
- Do What You Gotta Do
- Curse of Perception
- He Created Art - Horror
- Make a Wish - Horror
- Fate of the Forelocks - Fantasy
- Fate of the Forelocks
- Hair Peace
- Immortal
- Mary Had Some Little Lambs
- Terror on the Sea
- The Time Borrowers
- The Promise
- Restore Point
- Harrington
- Daddy and I
- Cloud Computing
- One less for Dinner
- Alone in the Dark
- But, You're Dead
- On Three
- Chief of Staff
- Ventriloquist
- A Strange Turn of Events
- The Sealed Door
- Up The Garden Path
- The Causality Fix
- "Oh, by the way . . ."
- A Gentleman's Game
- Apparition of the Knife Thrower
- The Key to Victory
- Hysterical Hysterectomy
- Boulevard Stop
- The Loser
- The Wizard and the Waterfall
- The Match
- Lily's Birthday
- Daddy's Little Girl
- Shark's Tooth
- Life Inside a Cannonball
- The Plow Horse
- Faith
- The Colored Only Balcony
- How Good is Your Gay-Dar?
- George Washington's Damp Wig
- The Clarinet Conspiracy
- How Blue is my Sapphire?
- The Egg
- A Deal
- Kinky Norm
- Cup of Coffee
- Seppuku
- French Prostitutes Collective
- A Wallet Full of Money
- Ballads, Beer and a Bus Driver
- Heavy Word
- The Owl's Lullaby
- Back in The Day
- The Ruler in My Head
- Unbinding The Ties
- A Small, Gold Locket
- Charades
- Vanity Unfair
- Two Blanks
- Sight Unseen
- People Places and Things
- Uncle Marvin's Funeral
- Kiss of Life
- Weighty Matters
- Trouble with Wallflowers
- The Walls Around Us
- The Walls Around Us
- The Empty House
- Lunch Break
- Evelyn
- Patience
- Tail Lights
- Tell Her
- The Lie
- The Lie
- Because of His Laugh
- Cleaning, Pressing and Alterations
- Dame Blanche
- The Initiation of Michael Rogers
- Flash Fiction
- Brotherhood Of The Blue Traveling Pants
- Crossword
- Sanuk
- Everything’s Funny Until Everyone Stops Laughing
- Cavea
- Too Busy
- The Pebble And The Charlatan
- I Am A free Man
- A Brush With Hope
- Unwanted Faces
- Innocent Bystander II
- Sharing The Fantasy
- Batting On Zero
- The Dialysis Room
- For Sale
- Amusement Park Meeting
- Innocent Bystander
- The Man With Kalashnikov
- The Prayer For A Golden-Eyed Monk
- Dark Days
- Ghost Of Happiness
- Tender Night
- Welcome, Comrade
- Boat People
- Shucking with Chuckie
- The Cat's Pajamas
- I Gave You Power
- The March
- The Exam
- Some Enchanted Evening
- Et Mortui Partium
- Life Sentence of The Smith
- The Chute
- Where Is Everyone Going - Bingo
- Even In Hell, I'm Running Free
- The Proposal
- Taboos
- Ska
- Grandpa’s Gun
- Punchy Nirvana Under The Tree
- Five-o'clock Tea with Remiel and Azrael
- Intoxicating Darkness
- The Glowing Hours
- The Redemption of Loss
- Critical Mass
- A Different Time
- The Binge Drinker VI
- The Binge Drinker VIII
- The Binge Drinker VII
- Had I Fallen In Love With A Priest?
- The Binge Drinker V
- Not Of This World
- Black River
- The Kiss
- Block 87
- Wrest Point 1955
- Rescue Cinderella
- My Little Friend
- Lucy And Ruby
- Ponce de Leon Was Such A Bloody Idiot
- The Druid
- The Eyes Don't Lie
- Nia
- The Secret Admirer
- Monkey Business
- Awakened
- A Life Well Lived
- Mournful Dove
- All School Assembly
- The Danube And Dreameries
- Authentic
- The Broken Soul In My Homeland
- Everyone Is Mark
- Je t’aime… Moi non plus
- The god Of Time And Space
- Cold Chaos
- The Starry-Eyed One Maddening Sight
- The Jazz Club
- Chocolate Mushrooms - Part III
- Chocolate Mushrooms - Part II
- Chocolate Mushrooms - Part I
- The Existence
- Jacky's Prince Of Dreams (Psychic Stalker Fiction)
- Fly
- Smitty Gets Away
- Emotional Unstable
- Helter Skelter
- The Following Story Is Pure Fiction
- Perseverance
- The Fateful Evening
- A Conversation With Your Seven Year Old Self
- Winterhaven
- A Door In A White Void
- Perfect
- Therese
- Space Age Agency
- Leak
- Pixie Pickings
- Loss
- The Darkest Night
- Bush Of Ghosts
- A Mentor's Lesson
- A Part Of The Monster
- Lovely Night
- Rescue Fish (Betta)
- The Binge Drinker IV
- Hankie
- The Death Drive On The Hudson
- Sonsofbitches
- Me, Myself And I
- My Story of CHANGE
- The Binge Drinker III
- Everything Is Wonderful
- Keet
- Her And The Paper
- The Binge Drinker II
- A Very Strong Blow
- Life Is Like This
- The Binge Drinker I
- It's Him
- Suffering Alone
- Night Dreaming
- The Ghost, a Thunder and Angel of Cattle
- Mercenaries Of The Sea
- Fruit Knife
- Flying Chips
- Broken Legs Unbroken Heart
- Drop, Drop,Drop
- For Hire
- The Lawyer Saw Green Until He met Red
- The Sock
- Working Christmas Again
- Secondhand Santa
- Pills and Capsules
- What Could go Wrong
- Family Reunion
- Men
- The First Haircut
- The Leap
- Crazy Lady Detective Agency
- You Will Meet A Short, Blonde, Stranger
- That Dude
- The Storm
- Winter
- The Joke
- Sporting Gestures
- The Missing Shoe
- Nodding on the A Train
- The Sanctity of Home
- Managing The Zombie Apocalypse
- The Pretenders
- No Wiggle Room
- Lunchtime Interlude
- Reflections in Suburbia
- Who's Afraid?
- The Square Headed Man
- Dairy Tales
- The House of Succor
- Don't Panic! Everything's Going to be Fine.
- Karma
- The Journey Ahead
- Yuletide Feast
- What You Leave Behind
- The Great Wall of Rubin
- Click
- Featured Stories
- Poetry
- Autumn In The Heart
- The longing The Pindaric Ode
- Across The Abyssal River
- From The Marsh
- 5 In The Morning
- Impression Of Delight
- A Day From Life Of Klaus Werner Swamp-Man
- All Is At Odds With Us
- Doomed Were The Threads
- Vanished Possibilities
- Crying Yourself To Sleep
- In The Grit Of Us
- Have Sabr
- Love Over Regular Excitements Surpass
- The Dreameries With Egyptian Cats
- Cipher I
- The Word
- Memories Of Us
- The Quire Of The Sheep
- London
- The Occult
- You Who Feed Of Me, Oh Detestable Vampire
- May Fire Fade Forever Keep The Flame
- Dazzling Pyramid
- Farewell
- The Amaranthine Fairy
- The Dreamed Hedgehog
- The Ballad
- Gods and Godesses
- The Responsive Awakening Of Springtide
- Poetry For A Murder Of Crows
- The Highly Sensitive Spark
- Criminals With A Conscience
- Arethusa And Alpheus
- It Is Not My Fault
- Lady Of The Night
- Having Nothing
- Übermensch
- Wish You Had Married Someone Else
- Broken Hearted
- My First Therapist
- The New Celtic Ode To The Dreamed Mother Nature
- Undercover Copper
- Celebrity Gangster
- Money
- Trauma In My Bones
- To Fall In Love Just One More Time
- Beneath The Big Disco Ball
- Lust
- Friends
- Many Faces Of Me And Him
- On The Come Down
- Relief Its Over
- Company None
- Economy
- Wait For The Sunrise
- The Boys
- My Old Friend Depression
- Monsters
- Naughty Boys
- Soul Ache
- Brain Fog
- Cocaine
- Das Vaterland
- Escape
- Autumnal Sonnet
- Flower-Like Sonnet
- The Flower-Like Second Sonnet
- Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II. RIP.
- Coffin
- Wish Upon A Star
- The Marvel Of The Freedom
- Orange Flower
- Hand of God
- The Fix
- Reflection
- Sunset
- Prisoner of Love
- Info