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I try to escape the ruins of my world.

Yet another day passes,and my chances disappear

I patiently wait 

Waiting for my turn

Have sabr. They say.

Pray and have hope. Trust your lord. Everything he does,he does with reason.

I want to cry,but I can't.

How can I when there are others going through much worse.

There are those who have lost family.

Those who have no chance of leaving

The injured,The sick

Those who wait in the ruins of their homes waiting for children who never return.

Those who carry the remaining bodies of their children in bin bags 

How dare I feel angry when even those people have big smiles on their faces.

But behind even the largest of smiles, their eyes tell stories of such sadness.

Tales of loss and hearts burdened with despair 

Stories of which even their hearts are not yet willing to accept.

Why do they kill the innocent, then ignore us when we ask them why?

Why do they torture us, ignoring our cries for help.

The media turns a blind eye and when given the right to be able to speak up, why do they hide away from the truth?

Why is the met gala more important then the continuos genocide which has been going on since 1948

Why is it more important than the numerous deaths in Gaza and the countless bombings destroying the palestinian cities.

How is it more important than the innocent lives being lost and the brutal ways of living Palestiniand have had to endure the past 77 years?

Its disgusting the way people turn away from reality and rely on the lying words of the media. 

Its disgusting the way people refuse to believe the bombing of hospitals and the IDF leading them to ‘shelter’ only to release yet another bomb over their heads.

I feel guilty wanting to leave.

I want to take everyone with me 

Unfortunately I can only pray for their safety and leave the rest to Allah.

Since no one else can help them.


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